

CCC recognizes the important role that pollinators play in our lives. 自2017年以来, CCC has increased the number of native plants across its campuses and centers through the installation of pollinator gardens and native grass plantings.

The plants chosen are native to Nebraska, 让它们变得耐寒, 低, able to endure cold and windy winters as well as hot and humid summers. Plants were chosen to bloom throughout three seasons to attract pollinator insects.


美国蜜蜂校园标志2017年5月11日, 中央社区 College's 大岛校园 was named a 美国蜜蜂校园. Our campus became the 29th school in the U.S. 被赋予这个称号. 晚些时候, the college as a whole became designated as a Bee Campus and is currently the only one in the state of Nebraska.

The 美国蜜蜂校园 program endorses a set of commitments, 在应用程序中定义, for creating sustainable habitats for pollinators, 都是至关重要的 养活地球. 1 in every 3 bites of food we eat is courtesy of insect pollination. 同样重要的是, 90% of all wild plants and trees rely on pollinators for the survival of their species. 传粉者 are facing global declines due to loss of habitat essential for food and shelter, 疾病和寄生虫, 不当使用农药. Bee Campuses work to protect pollinators by raising awareness, 改善传粉者生境, 庆祝成就.


哥伦布传粉者花园多亏了内布拉斯加州的资助 Statewide Arboretum, the 哥伦布校园 added a pollinator garden in August 2017. It is located south of the Facilities Management Office near the orchard trees. The garden is approximately 7,200 square feet and has about 1,460 flowers, grasses and shrubs.

For our Columbus Earth Month Event in 2023, we added a super bloom box from 内布拉斯加州州立植物园 to the pollinator garden.  We added several different species including Joe Pye Weed, Sideoats格兰马草, and a variety of Asters.



The 大岛校园 had a new green space added in the fall of 2022 right outside the Administration Building.  几种本地树种, shrubs and plants such as Snowdrift Crabapple, 栗树果实橡木, 东部紫荆属植物, 白浆果, Baby Viburnum and Husker Red Penstemon.


黑斯廷斯传粉者花园2017年春季, two beehives were added to the Hastings campus to further enhance the educational experience with pollinators. One hive is located near the Pawnee corn garden and is managed by the Hastings campus culinary instructor. The second hive is located near the service road and is managed by the Hastings campus agribusiness instructor.

The Hastings HMRM program received a CCC mini-grant for a pollinator garden and planted it in summer 2017. The garden is by the east side of the Dawson Building. It is near the HMRM vegetable garden, which will in turn benefit from the pollinators.


在2022年秋天, the 环境可持续性 staff helped the 单词学习中心 to extend the Ord Pollinator garden, 把花园的面积扩大一倍.  第二年春天, the garden was again extended to cover just under 1,000平方英尺, right along the Aubles Pond and Nature Trail.  A few species of the plants added include Big bluestem, Sideoats格兰马草, 马利筋, Aster, 蜂香和马薄荷.


We host an Earth Month event on the Grand Island, 卡尼, Hastings and Columbus campus annually in April.  Each event consists of sustainable craft making, 堆肥的示威游行, and an expo for student’s state fair projects.


The 环境可持续性 Office (ESO) at CCC has been actively working to restore and add new pollinator habitat around all campus locations and would like to share sources to serve our students and community.  Whether you have a few feet of yard or a few hundred acres that are in need of landscaping, you too can create a vibrant and low maintenance habitat for pollinators!  Below we have added some of our favorite resources to help point you in the right direction to identify species and create a successful pollinator garden!


1).  Xerces Society – a nonprofit environmental organization


2). 内布拉斯加州州立植物园



5). Plant Net is also a great resource to use for identifying plants.  It’s free to download and you can use it right from your phone.



